According to the World Fair Organization, fair trade is a commercial relationship, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, which seeks greater equity and contributes to sustainable development.
It is increasingly common for customers about being responsible with their purchases, who want to know the history of the product they get, and even those who want their purchase to have some social impact.
Facing these scenarios is that one of the issues that has taken the greatest force is fair trade; however, there are still many doubts surrounding it.
From what its true implications are, how much it helps vulnerable communities, who can implement it, to how to recognize that it is fair trade.

In other words, those who resort to fair trade are committed to support and not minimize the producers efforts, especially those who are in a vulnerable situation.
“Fair trade implies buying as directly as possible from the producer. An example is when we buy some fruit or vegetable in a market, “chinampa” or “tianguis” who are in charge of cultivating it, and not in the shopping center”.
“It can also be through a social enterprise or a foundation that supports some cause or group, and that, although it serves as an intermediary, all efforts are focused on benefiting the producer and that the main profit its for him”, explains the teacher Martha Elizalde Durán, academic at the Anahuac Mexico University and specialist in responsibility and social marketing issues.
It is worth mentioning that fair trade also plays in favor of the customer.
In terms of food, it usually involves organic food, without colorants and good price; in beauty products these usually have greater benefits without resorting to chemical substances.
While in handmade crafts or textile products unique and very special pieces are obtained.
“In these cases we are buying an article that allows us to know the history of whom or who created it, that helps to preserve the community traditions, that has high quality materials or it is a sample of creativity or originality of its creator”, explains Elizalde Durán.
Also through fair trade, the inclusion of vulnerable groups such as disabled people or natives communities is promoted.

1.- There is a short chain between producer and customer.
2.-Promotes products that are not harmful to health or the environment. Even its packaging looks for the least ecological impact.
3.-Support some social cause or vulnerable groups.
4.-Eliminate child labor and promotes the person dignity.
5.- It has World Fair Trade Organization certifications, although it is not necessary for all products.
1.Before buying a product, ask yourself what its origin is and if you can, do some research.
2. Question if the price is excessively low, in most cases this happens because those who produce it live in terrible working conditions.
3. mplement fair trade products little by little into your shopping routine. Either you buy your vegetables with your trusted merchant or look for handmade crafts to decorate your home. At This is Latin America we are committed to this practice and a huge part of the earnings go to the producers.
4.Do not forget that fair trade also involves various items, such as beauty products, personal hygiene products and even alcoholic beverages.
5.If you have a good experience, share it on your social networks, so more people can join.