The Battle of Puebla is commemorated on May 5. That event took place in 1862, when the Mexican Army faced the French Army, which outnumbered the Mexicans in number and quantity of weapons. Under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza, Mexico won the battle, even though the situation seemed adverse. Important historical figures such as Porfirio Díaz also took part in the battle.

5 de Mayo is mostly celebrated in the United States, because a group of Mexicans celebrated that historic victory five years later in Texas, the birthplace of Ignacio Zaragoza.
In 1930, the Mexican consulate in Los Angeles, California, held a celebration, which made the commemoration official. The party became part of the identity of Mexicans.
For 1989, a brewery launched an advertising campaign that exalted Mexican elements, the celebration of May 5 and beer, which ended up extending the roots of the party.